

Environmentally Friendly Rubber Antioxidant


Environmentally Friendly Rubber Antioxidant
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Environmentally Friendly Rubber Antioxidant

Release time:2013-06-06
Rubber during use, it will be subject to external factors (such as ozone aging, thermal oxidative aging, etc.) the impact of aging, resulting in changes of its physical and mechanical properties, the rubber loses its elasticity, mechanical performance and shorten the life. In order to solve the problem of aging of rubber, rubber additives, in order to inhibit or slow down the aging process and prolong life, such additives to prevent aging of rubber is rubber antioxidant.
Antioxidant production and varieties ranks first in the rubber chemicals. Amine antioxidant because of a good anti-aging properties, is the current yield and the largest amount of one of the species, but containing an amino group in their molecular structure, easy to produce carcinogenic substance and cause discoloration of the rubber products or on the surface blooming, so use by certain limitations. Most other commonly used antioxidant toxicity or contamination.
The development of efficient, multi-functional, new varieties of green rubber antioxidant, accelerate the substitution of toxic and harmful varieties is the main direction of the future development of rubber chemicals.

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