

Xishuangbanna Rubber Capacity Production Side by Side to Enhance


Xishuangbanna Rubber Capacity Production Side by Side to Enhance
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Xishuangbanna Rubber Capacity Production Side by Side to Enhance

Release time:2013-06-04
A smooth transition since the size of the natural rubber futures market contracts, the market volatility gradually converge,and natural rubber is not out of the trend level of prices. With the seasonal opening cut of the arrival of the supply of natural rubber is gradually abundant, the market's ability to usher in a period in stocks?
According to preliminary statistics, in Xishuangbanna, a total of 95 rubber processing enterprises, such as Jingyang ,Hhaijiao, Sinochem.  After the land reclamation restructuring, Yunnan State Farm Group in Xishuangbanna set Jingyang rubber company.The production of rubber last year was 58,000 tons, and is expected to up to 10 tons this year .Haijiao had 6 reclamation glue factories and rubber production last year was about 30,000 tons, and this year some of the old plant capacity will be expanded. 6 Reclamation of rubber plant in Sinochem, rubber production last year was about 60,000 tons, and this year is expected to more than 70,000 tons.
At present, the Xishuangbanna region by Group companies and traders to large enterprises deepens the source of rubber, integrates marketing resources, constantly updates equipment and technology, expand capacity, and to a large extent the market has been the norm, as well as rubber production has been further developed space.
According to the freight calculation, and the overall natural rubber poor liquidity, low market gross profit, it is difficult to form the trade volume of sales to flow.At present the processing plant in advantage, especially sinochem, sea glue big group, then give full play to its own direct marketing platform advantage, sent straight tire enterprise, largely due to ease the market to expand capacity production yield plenty, demand of losing. This year is expected to keep production yield xishuangbanna rubber around 20%, climate influence remains key late, the second wave peak production in September or so.

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