

The Characteristics of The Rubber Chemicals Industry


The Characteristics of The Rubber Chemicals Industry
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The Characteristics of The Rubber Chemicals Industry

Release time:2012-12-19
China's rubber chemicals industry gradually showed the following characteristics: 
1. The rubber chemicals advantages presented.
Prior to 2000, China's rubber chemicals production only 10 tons, entered a rapid growth since 2001, the development of China's rubber chemicals, the annual output of the average increase rate of 20.8%. 
2. The strong momentum of development of the above-scale aid producers.
Into the 21st century, the production of rubber chemicals businesses large-scale, intensive, product concentration increased dramatically. (2010) sales of 10 billion yuan, the enterprise at the end of the 11th Five-Year 2; 7 enterprise of more than 500 million yuan, up 1 times than "15" (2005); 2 billion Enterprise 20, an increase of 1.5 times more than "15" end; 28 billion of business, industrial output value of 13.6 billion yuan.
In 2011, the rubber chemicals industry output value reached 147 billion yuan, more than 200 million yuan of corporate concentration is more than 80%. Can foresee the future such as Jiangsu Sunon Sunsine, chemical industry, Comay chemical-ranking large rubber chemicals manufacturer, will dominate the domestic as well as global rubber chemicals market, an important supplier to the global tire manufacturers. 2011 vote by the China Rubber Industry Association China Rubber Industry hundred enterprises in the rubber chemicals business 15 finalists, highlighting the strong momentum of development of the rubber chemicals business. 
3. Become the size of rubber chemicals production enterprises with global influence.
In recent years the development of the global tire industry, especially the large-scale production of radial tires in China, the stimulus has led to the development of China's rubber chemicals industry. Additives manufacturing enterprises experienced from the concept of change, to the R & D institutions to establish, upgrade, and gradually tire enterprises at home and abroad are recognized. China's leading enterprises of rubber chemicals also growing influence in the global rubber market, many companies have become the backbone of the world's rubber chemicals industry.

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