

The Blend Of Rubber Accelerator


The Blend Of Rubber Accelerator
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The Blend Of Rubber Accelerator

Release time:2012-05-24

Rubber accelerator has the following three blends:

A.A / B type and called each other activated type . Activated thiazole vulcanization system, and used in conjunctionthe promotion of better than separate use Type A or Type B. Commonly used in the A / B system commonly used the the thiazoles as primary accelerator, guanidine (D) or aldehyde amines (H) as deputy accelerator. A / B system for preparation of the same mechanical strength of the vulcanizate, the advantage of the accelerator with less, to promote the activity of agents, low curing temperature, curing time, vulcanizate properties (tensile, elongation, abrasion resistance ). Overcome the aging properties when used alone D products cracking shortcomings.

B.N / A, N / B and type. Activated sulfenamide vulcanization system, it is thiuram (of TMTD), guanidine (D) for the second accelerator to improve the activity of sulfenamide vulcanization, to speed up the cure rate. The sulfenamide scorch time and the latter system than single short, but still much longer than the DM / D system scorch time, and low cost, the disadvantage is the poor sulfide flat.

C.A / A type and called mutual inhibitory. The main role is to reduce the system to promote activity. Which the primary accelerator is generally shorter for speeding or super-speeding-level, scorch time; another type A can be a disincentive to improve the performance of scorch. Curing temperature, can still give full play to the rapid vulcanization. Such as the ZDC single time, scorch time of 3.5 minutes, ZDC and M and scorch time may be extended to 8.5 minutes. System compared with the A / B, A / A and the system vulcanizing rubber anti-tensile strength, elongation, and more for fast curing system.

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