

Rubber Accelerator TBBS Synthesis Method and The Situation In China


Rubber Accelerator TBBS Synthesis Method and The Situation In China
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Rubber Accelerator TBBS Synthesis Method and The Situation In China

Release time:2012-05-03

Rubber accelerator TBBS synthesis method and the situation in China as follow:

The synthesis method of rubber accelerator TBBS

The synthesis of rubber accelerator TBBS is generally through rubber accelerator M and tert-butylamine existing in antioxidant under condensation, at present the industrial synthesis widespread use of the sodium hypochlorite do oxidant, technology is more perfect. In the aqueous phase adding a bit of surfactants can make M full dispersed, a new method, so as to improve the yield. Japan DongBang rayon company's patent reports yield of 95% ~ 96.7%. Chinese patent describes the one-step direct oxidation of the synthesis of TBBS. In order to avoid sodium hypochlorite oxidation in large Numbers in the formation of the inorganic salts, people developed oxygen or air catalytic oxidation. Aksu, biotechnology and other companies have reported a patent. This method reaction speed, good selectivity and high yield.Akzo company's patent describes the melting point up to 108 ~ 110 ℃, the yield was 99.8%.

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