

Rubber Chemicals Industry Carry Out Green Crucial


Rubber Chemicals Industry Carry Out Green Crucial
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Rubber Chemicals Industry Carry Out Green Crucial

Release time:2012-07-01

Rubber chemicals industry play a vital role in the international market, and it is fully overcome the rubber accelerator M products such as cleaner production processes."Only by accelerating the pace of toxic and hazardous product substitution, can be regarded as the world's advanced." Rubber Association vice president, rubber chemicals Professional Committee Chairman Xu Chunhua pointed out that in the end of last week, new material technology of China Rubber Industry Forum 2010, to achieve Cleaner Production is still the key to the development of the rubber chemicals industry.

Predispersed master batch is part of the final product of the rubber chemicals and downstream applications of clean technology. Xu Chunhua said, our pre-dispersed master batch-ton device has been basically completed. Successful development and promote the use of pre-dispersed rubber chemicals, will make our rubber chemicals formulation of a significant change, greatly improving the overall competitiveness of the rubber chemicals in China.

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