

The Impact Factor Analysis of The Melting Point of Rubber Accelerator M


The Impact Factor Analysis of The Melting Point of Rubber Accelerator M
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The Impact Factor Analysis of The Melting Point of Rubber Accelerator M

Release time:2012-06-24

The level of the melting point of rubber accelerator M is closely related with how much of the internal impurities. The fewer impurities and more pure substances, the melting point is more close to the melting point of pure substances.

Confirmed by the test and production practices, the impact of rubber accelerator M melting point of the organic impurities and sulfur.Strict control of sodium polysulfide sulfur index in the condensation reaction, the reaction temperature is controlled at the upper limit of the process specification, can inhibit the occurrence of side effects, to reduce the organic impurities.

Confirmed by the production practice oxidation, the optimum conditions of operation of the acidification process can reduce the impurities in the promotion of accelerator M products in strict accordance with the wind, its melting point, and products a product rate.

In order to avoid the stick on the organic sulfur impurities in the preparation of sodium polysulfide, again into the reaction system should reduce the sulfur cycle life cycle.

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