

The Green Tyre Will Become The Goal of The Mainland Tyre Industry


The Green Tyre Will Become The Goal of The Mainland Tyre Industry
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The Green Tyre Will Become The Goal of The Mainland Tyre Industry

Release time:2013-06-04
In recent years,Our country;s export tire is facing the tire label method, the technical barriers and trade friction, etc.Many countries have put forward higher requests to tire performance , more and more countries are or already brewing the implemented tire label regulations.Such as Japan has started to implement voluntary tire tag system since 2010,The United States has through the provisions of the regulations contain tire label as early as six years ago and the European Union, South Korea will start the implementation of the mandatory tire label regulations from 1 November of this year.Then the green tyre global market share will increase by more than 15%.
By contrast,the definition of domestic green tire fuzzy, standard loss and detection means insufficiency has restricted the upgrading and product structure adjustment of the tire industry of our country.
The president of the China Rubber Industry Fan Rende expressed in "2012 China rubber annual meeting" that our country's tire industry has reached a consensus at present in promoting the green tire industrialization development. The association will reference the EU tire label method and the REACH regulation, and in combination with saving energy and reducing consumption request, establish with the situation of China's green tire industrialization and regulations.The industry thinks that this means that our country's industrialization strategy green tire official start, and will pointed out that clear direction tire industry for adjustment, upgrade technology industry.
The green tire industrialization is extremely urgent.

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